日本【樱花季限定版】AMINO MASON Sakura Smooth Shampoo + Treatment 樱花氨基酸护发套装 櫻花限定套組
Serial No: A0118
🌸日本AMINO MASON 樱花氨基酸护发套装🌺🌺🌺SAKURA限定套盒 包含“Amino Moist”洗发水和护发素。瓶身是美好的樱花包装,气味也是樱花香气。非常心动了!
🔥🔥日本amino mason樱花🌸氨基酸 无硅保湿洗发水 450ml➕氨基酸护发素 450ml+mask pack强烈推荐💕
💞 调香师的细致配比调香,味道也非常好闻,给你不输高档香水的定制香~
Amino Mason Sakura Smooth Shampoo (450ml)
Inspired by the ever popular, "Mason Jar"! Experience new hair care revolution with proprietary Super Amino Acids Complex Formula. Hair is made of up amino acids, so why not replenish it back with it? Conditioner restores damaged cuticles and reinforces cuticle's outer layer to prevent leakage of protein and moisture. Proprietary blend of amino acid moisturizing ingredients penetrates deep to the core of the hair and moisturizes. Definitely a next level hair care.
This new Smooth series from Amino mason focuses on blending fruits high in vitamin C such as lemon and raspberry and blended them with cream for a lighter* smooth finish. (*Light in terms of focusing on botanical extracts oppose to featuring botanical oils for the Moist line)
Amino Mason Sakura Smooth Treatment (450ml)
Inspired by the ever popular, "Mason Jar"! Experience new hair care revolution with proprietary Super Amino Acids Complex Formula. Hair is made of up amino acids, so why not replenish it back with it? Conditioner restores damaged cuticles and reinforces cuticle's outer layer to prevent leakage of protein and moisture. Proprietary blend of amino acid moisturizing ingredients penetrates deep to the core of the hair and moisturizes. Definitely a next level hair care.